Old Dog Lessons


Aussie is my 17 year-old golden retriever. She is one of my best friends and one of my greatest teachers. The cool thing about hanging out with Aussie is you never have to guess where you stand with her. She lets you know with her body language (usually her tail wagging furiously in a sign of unconditional love) long before you hear her voice. I got thinking the other day about how we as human beings (particularly as chiropractors) communicate. The folks who know a whole lot more about communication then I do, tell me that more then 90% of our communication comes from our non-verbal behaviour. It comes from our voice tone, our inflections, our body language and our pauses. In other words it comes from within us, from our Innate. After watching Aussie, I contend that the reason these practice members don't get it is because we are not communicating congruently with them. We think that by "telling" them what we know (who are we kidding, usually EVERYTHING we know) about chiropractic verbally they will "hear" us and get under lifetime care with their families. The obvious flaw in our logic is that since more then 90% of what we communicate comes from within us, we need to be clear that WHAT IS WITHIN US is congruent with the message we are speaking verbally.

SADLY THIS IS RARELY THE CASE! Chiropractic is a lifestyle and a philosophy of living. It is NOT just a treatment modality in a badly failing “sick care” system. If you understand chiropractic philosophy and want people to look after their health in a proactive, preventative fashion and not wait until they are sick or hurt to come in for care then you MUST be willing to live this lifestyle yourself. You should look throughout the hologram of your life (physical, mental, spiritual, social, career, financial and family) and apply this philosophy. Not waiting until the neighbours put up a 10' high privacy fence and buy two Rottweiler's (Aussie doesn't like them anyway) before you start working on your social relationships! Not waiting until your spouse is serving you with separation papers before you start working on your family relationships! Not waiting until your banker is calling you telling you that another check has bounced before you get your finances in order. Not waiting until your 2-year-old has a better vocabulary then you have to work on the mental aspect of your life. You will do these things for yourself, for your family, for your practice members and for the world. You see the world DESPERATLEY needs what you have to tell them as a chiropractor. You see by all of us working on optimizing our own lives and TRULY LIVING THE CHIROPRACTIC LIFESTYLE, people (our practice members) will FINALLY be able to hear us when we tell them about the wonderful possibilities for them and their families lives when they are under regular chiropractic care. Believe me when I say folks that people are looking for answers about another WAY TO LIVE THEIR LIVES.

They are tired of bouncing from CRISIS TO CRISIS feeling like they have no control or influence on their life and their health. They want answers … And we have them … …. We just have to get our own lives in order and be walking/talking examples of how great life can be when you live the chiropractic lifestyle. Over the last 12 years Dr. Tom has coached thousands of docs and private business entrepreneurs HOW TO design and manifest the life and business they desire and deserve through his proprietary 4 pillared coaching process. A successful author and trainer he has spoken at more than 200 chiropractic and wellness focused seminars and meetings all over the world. Chiropractors are the healthiest people in the World! Man is dogs best friend - Does your dog have a chiropractic vet to have lived so long? I like the humourous part of the article with the middle points about procrastination The part about living the chiropractic lifestyle - does that mean only chiropractors live healthy lives and do you all eat spelt bread/pizza? Dpgs are superior to people, geniuses in Emotional Intelligence. Congruency is just so important in life and in business being authentic and real come under the same heading. Dogs bless them are amazing examples they say what they feel in no uncertain terms if you know how to read what they're saying. They can even reflect back to you what you're feeling. You are so right Annie. Thanks for the comment. Please Register or Login to post new comment. HOW TO MANAGE YOUR MEDICATION? How to Stay Hydrated While Managing Your Medications? Does your baby have colic and what can you do? How To Remove Acne Scars? Why the Government needs a system of monitoring and early prevention of chronic diseases? Does Social Anxiety Hold You Back? TIME FOR A CAREER TRANSITION?

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